"Much Is to Be Done"

photographs, films, drawings, poems, notebooks, books, and music…

Samih Rifat, Much Is To Be Done departs from the ethically and aesthetically uncompromising work of Samih Rifat, an important figure in the world of culture renowned for his photographs, translations, documentaries and writings. One could describe his work as “an act of art and thought”, and this exhibition aims to expand his creative process in order to understand this intellectual of a “thousand arts”, who sadly passed away too soon.

The catalogue accompanying the exhibition includes Serhan Ada’s curatorial text titled “Much Is To Be Done, Yet Time!” and Esra Özdoğan’s text offering a thorough look at Samih Rifat’s photographs titled “Samih Rifat: Yazarın Ölümünden Önce”, Enis Batur’s commentaries on his poems “Görmezden Gelinen Şairlerin Ozanı”, “Yitik Güzelliklerin İzinde” by Celal Üster on Samih Rifat’s translations, as well as texts by Orçun Türkay, Necmi Sönmez, Hüsrev İsfendiyaroğlu and Nevzat Sayın and a comprehensive discussion among his close companions titled “Samih Rifat’ı Konuşuyoruz”.

Publication Date: 2025
Number of Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-625-9434 – 5 – 1

Serhan Ada Much is to be done, alas, time!

Esra Özdoğan Samih Rifat: Before the Death of the Author

Enis Batur Bard of Overlooked Poems

Celal Üster In Pursuit of Lost Beauties

Necmi Sönmez Samih Rifat’s Seashell

Nevzat Sayın Betweenwhiteandblack amanofharmonicolor

Orçun Türkay The Testimony of a Stranger

Serhan Ada, Engin Altaş, Zeynep Avcı, Özalp Birol, Arif Çağlar, Ahmet Elhan, Münevver Eminoğlu, Hakkı Mısırlıoğlu, Nazan Ölçer, Ersu Pekin, Nevzat Sayın, Mutlu Torun 
Söyleşi Talking About Samih Rifat

"Much Is to Be Done"

"Much Is to Be Done" is an exhibition that departs from the both ethically and aesthetically uncompromising work of Samih Rifat, an important figure in the world of culture renowned for his photographs, translations, documentaries and writings. We could describe his work as “an act of art and thought”, and this exhibition aims to expand his creative process in order to understand this intellectual of “a thousand arts”, who sadly passed away too early.

SAMİH RİFAT  <br>  "Much Is to Be Done"